AssetWise Director Help

To Create a Quick Search

  1. Select File > New > Report.

    The New Report tab opens in the Content pane.

  2. Enter the Code and Name for the search. The Description is optional.
  3. Set Report Type to Quick Search.
  4. Click the Open Report Designer link.

    The Report Designer window opens.

    In the above example, a quick search is defined that will return documents based on the search string entered, but only those documents that have a Date Obsolete value less than the current date will be returned.

    Only one input parameter can be defined in a quick search. This single input parameter must be a string and have the identifier @SearchString as shown above. If this requirement is not met you will not be able to save the quick search.
    Note: You will receive a warning if you try to save a quick search without defining either a hyperlink column or a default ID column for the quick search.
  5. Define the parameters for the search and click Save. You are returned to the New Report tab to finish creating the search.
  6. Click the Add icon in the toolbar to add the new search to the community.